Geliştirici Kaynakları
Solana ekosistemine katılmak için bir kılavuz. İnşa edenler tarafından inşa edenler için.
Solana geliştirmeyi öğrenin
Solana geliştirmeye başlamak için bu Solana Foundation ve topluluk kurslarını kullanın.
Solana Development Courses
Quickstart your Solana development starting from nothing to complex programs.
Solana Bootcamp
Solana Bytes
Build on Solana by Rise In
Ethereum to Solana Developer Course
Solana Learning Track
Rust + Solana Advance Development Course
Eğitimler ve rehberler.
Daha geniş Solana ekosisteminden eğitimler ve rehberler öğrenin.
Getting Started with Token Extensions
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
How to Optimize Compute Usage on Solana
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
EVM to SVM: Understanding Solana for EVM developers
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
Intro to Solana development (using only your browser)
Solana developer quickstart guide to learn how to set up, build, and deploy your first Solana program using only your browser with Solana Playground.
Getting Started with Token Extensions
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
How to Optimize Compute Usage on Solana
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
EVM to SVM: Understanding Solana for EVM developers
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
Intro to Solana development (using only your browser)
Solana developer quickstart guide to learn how to set up, build, and deploy your first Solana program using only your browser with Solana Playground.
Araçlar ve kaynaklar.
Daha geniş Solana ekosisteminden geliştirici kaynaklarını keşfedin.
Solana Stack Exchange
Solana Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Solana software users and developers.
Anchor Framework
Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools for writing onchain programs.
Solana Playground
Easily build, deploy and test Solana programs and onchain programs from a browser IDE.
Solana Stack Exchange
Solana Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Solana software users and developers.
Anchor Framework
Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools for writing onchain programs.
Solana Playground
Easily build, deploy and test Solana programs and onchain programs from a browser IDE.
Kaynağa git.
Solana ve popüler araçlar için belgeleri okuyun.
Solana Belgeleri
Hepsini görSolana'nın nasıl çalıştığını öğrenin ve Solana'nın mimarisi hakkında üst düzey bir anlayış kazanın.
Anchor Belgeleri
Hepsini görAnchor çerçevesini kullanarak Rust'ta güvenli Solana programlarını hızla oluşturun.
Solana Changelog
Some more Solana changes from Nick & Mike. Subscribe to the newsletter: Update your code in preparation for RPC 2.0: - Solana ...
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